For the past months I felt that this site needed a bit more of activity, this was a single static page made with Remix v1 and only with the "Bio" section.

So after building some Astro sites for The Crafters Lab clients, yesterday I decided to fix it and update it with something similar to a blog.

The site is based on the Keystatic Astro template, you can test it just running: npm create @keystatic@latest

Technologies Used

  • Astro: Static site builder.
  • Keystatic: The markdown-based CMS powering this bits.
  • TailwindCSS: A minimal utility-based CSS framework.
  • Cloudflare Pages: A developer-focused platform designed for building fast websites.

The Good Parts

  • It's fully static. This means a very fast performance, stability and thanks to the Cloudflare pricing, fully free hosting with unlimited bandwidth.
  • Everything is owned by the developer. The code, the data and the CMS are open source local components that don't rely on external services being up or down.
  • WYSIWYG editor. Keystatic gives you a local editor that makes editing the markdown files a standard CMS experience (think Wordpress, Ghost, etc)

The Bad Parts

  • It's fully static. This means that editing and publishing a post involves editing a markdown file (either in GitHub or through the local WYSIWYG editor) and redeploying the site (deployment takes ~40s).


So, wrapping things up: your site's makeover really steps up the game by integrating Astro and Keystatic. It's sleek, efficient, and keeps things straightforward with its static setup. Yes, updates need a bit of elbow grease since you're editing markdown files and redeploying, but what you get in return is a site that's totally yours, costs nothing to host on Cloudflare Pages, and runs super smoothly.

It's a great balance of ease, control, and modern web tech!